Fathers Day is almost upon us (don’t forget to book your FREE tickets for #DadstasticDay) and we all have had different experiences in our own lives about what being a father means to us.
1 million UK children are growing up without a father in their lives, said a 2013 report on family breakdown. The Centre for Social Justice report said lone-parent families are increasing by more than 20,000 a year, and would top two million by June 2013. (The Fatherhood Institute is currently conducting the most comprehensive review on fatherhood ever undertaken in Britain and we look forward to seeing the results.)
One in three people in the UK is now a ‘step-parent, stepchild, or step-sibling. Stepfamilies are an established part of modern family life but step-parents and natural parents are often unaware of the legal implications of these relationships.
My own father left my Mum when I was born.
This left my mum with two babies and she struggled and could not cope so I was put in a care home at the age of 1 year, then I came back to the Family home aged 8 years. Where my Mum had re-married. So I had a new sister and Step-Dad.
My Family was not a nice place to be. My Stepdad was horrible to me. He never showed my love, never told me he was proud of me.
In fact, he did the opposite he would tell me I am a waste of space and will never achieve anything.
I can remember being hit by him with a belt. These things have stayed with me.
I am a Dad now and I don’t have a father figure to pass on to my Son.
So I make sure every day I tell my Son I love him and tell him I am proud of him.
Every night I read him a story and before I leave his room I tell him I love him and am proud of him. I take him out to the park and we go on walks.
I was in a book shop the other day and saw a book called “you are awesome”. I could not believe it for myself as a child and growing up.
But I am determined that my Son will know it.
However you saw your own life as a child, the cycle can end with you. You don’t need to pass the bad things to your children.
To all the Dads and Stepdads in Leeds, you are awesome.
Thank you for reading this.
Andy Atkinson, Leeds Dads member.