She has helped you in ways that go above and beyond. Supported you with the kids, helped give you space to be who you want to be. Whether she is your partner or your own parent, this Sunday is a day to reflect on what she means to you and show your gratitude.
Here are some Mother’s Day messages from some of Leeds Dads.

Happy Mothers Day to my amazing wife and a Super Mum.
Not only are you my best friend and my rock, but you are a fantastic mummy to our 2 beautiful girls.
You’ve helped me fight my demons and helped me get through some truly dark times, you’ve stood by me with my geeky hobbies and my childish behaviour which regularly makes you embarrassed. You do all this whilst looking after our amazing princesses.
You give our girls lots of big cuddles and kisses when they aren’t well, find exciitng ways for us to spend the limited days off we have together and even sacrifice watching your favorite programmes so the girls can watch repetitive children’s cartoons.
So thank you for being a Super Mummy and an amazing wife.
We love you so much from Steve, Emily and Amelia x x x x x x x x

Happy Mothers’ day Mrs O.
The “K” Kingdom and I wish you all the grands of the day and pray you live to a healthy old age, enjoying every bit of the journey.
Loads of luv from your darling hubby Phil “ODOGWU”.

Happy Mothers Day to Jodie, who is Mum to our 2 year old, Rosie.
Jodie is truly a great Mum, not just for the time she spends with Rosie but for the imaginative and creative ways they spend time together. It could be playing dress-up one day, playing music and baking cakes the next. She has put so much effort into making our home a warm, comforting but fun place for Rosie to grow up and we both really appreciate her – today and every day!
Sam & Rosie x

My wife, Fiona is really remarkable.
I know through Leeds Dads that I try hard to do my half, but my wife does way more than half in our relationship. She carries the mental burden, always spotting great ideas for us to do as a family, or working out when we’ll get the supermarket shopping done this week.
She’s an amazing mum to our son Theo. She makes him feel so safe and elicits so many laughs and great questions from him. She is really patient with him and such a great role model. She is also carrying our daughter, who is soon to arrive. What an amazing gift she is giving our family.
Happy Mother’s day Fiona!

Happy Mother’s Day to Tash, without you we’d be feral!
Lots of love from the boys: Mark & Otis

Our kids are fabulous (most of the time) and so much of this is down to you.
Thank you
Errol x

Parenting is always demanding and she has never stopped seeking to learn to improve day by day. This is very important. There is a high risk of only repeating scripts in the relationship with toddlers. Knowing how to take care of children requires learning from failures and she has that wise attitude. Thank you for always making life better for us.
Santiago Alfaro Rotondo
One way to show appreciation to your co-parent is to regularly give them some breathing space and take responsibility for the kids – come along to one of Leeds Dads’ amazing events! You can meet other Dads, bond with your kids and just have fun!