by Errol Murray
Baby Week Leeds is an opportunity for professionals supporting babies and parents in Leeds to meet and share ideas.
It’s also a chance for mums and dads to understand how these professionals and child-oriented organisations can help them too.
Leeds Dads has met so many people at BWL that already know our work, which has been heartening.
One professional even said that
Leeds Dads is one of the best concepts to come out of the city!

There have been so many great conversations with organisations supporting families with young children in Leeds.
This includes:
Leeds Public Health
Infant Metal Health
Leeds Perinatal Mental Health Service
BBC Tiny Happy People
City of Sanctuary
Dad Matters Leeds
Leeds Maternity Services
Relationships Matter
0-19 PHINS/Leeds Health Visitors
Public Health – and more!

This year Leeds Dads has supported Baby Week with four great events:
- Panel appearance of our dads at the launch
- SoftPlay
- Dads and Kids Breakfast Club and
- An International Mens Day Dinner at PWC
As a result, one group running antenatal classes asked us if we could invite their dads to be – to join one of our sessions to see our dads in action!
And we’re in discussions with another group to run relationship support coaching for dads.
It’s all really exciting!
Who knows where this will lead…
I’d just like to say thanks to BWL, you’ve encouraged and supported Leeds Dads since you started in 2016.
And Leeds Dads is happy to work with you to continue making Leeds what Princess Kate described as an ‘extraordinary Child Friendly city.’
That makes Leeds officially the best city for kids to grow up in.